Science Stream in Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu

Science education plays a major role as career maker. There has also been a great progress in nuclear energy, medicines, information technology and space sciences. Science is one of the most important streams that is followed after Class 10th. There are three main groups in science after Class 10th
  • Biology Group (Physics, Chemistry and Biology as main subjects)
  • Mathematics Group (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics subjects)
  • Technical Courses e.g. Polytechnic Diploma 
A student who wants to study medicine takes up Biology and one who has interests in Engineering side takes up Mathematics as the main subject. Those looking for an early job or skill based courses may chose for a Diploma programme. 

To get tips to Score A1 in Class 10 Science and Mathematics, click here 

To know about science education and entrance exams all over India, click here

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